Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Sister *pointing to my facebook DP*: Neyssa!!! have legs..


Me: Shall we look at jobs?
Sister: I don't need a job!
Me: No silly, I need a job! So I can get money!
Sister: Did dad steal your money?


Me: *looking for Icing Sugar* Oh no...I don't think Mummy brought any!
Sister: She didn't buy some GinGins aye?
Me: Huh? Ginger?
Sister: Yeah...


Me to sister: What do we do when we get home? (Reffering to our baking we are doing fyi)
Sister: Say ”ただいま”!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I love you

Me: I love you!
Her: I love you more and more and more!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Her and I were carrying bread to the outside freezer, she carried two loaves the first time.
Her: I can take three now!
Me: You sure?
Her: Yup!
-when we were outside-
Her: I'm cool now, I can carry three!!


She was cuddling my unicorn teddy, which makes noises. Then she started clapping to the song it was playing. I told her she was cute and asked for a hug, and she ges "hug this!" and hands me the unicorn teddy. I hugged it then she gave me a hug.